Pots of flowers

Florists insurance

We can help protect the flower shop business you've built

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Florist insurance

We're here to help you protect your growing florist business

Why do florists need insurance?

You count on keeping your florist shop operating at its best. As a small business owner, you worry about things like:

  • Losing your fresh product due to equipment failure

  • Suffering property damage to your shop after a severe storm

  • Incurring damages after a customer is injured slipping on your floor

  • Filing workers’ compensation claims after an employee strains their back lifting product

We can help protect you and your business against these types of incidents with florist business insurance.

With more than 135 years of experience in horticultural and floral insurance, we understand the risks businesses like yours face, allowing us to help you with quick, quality claims resolution and safety services to help protect your livelihood.

We provide florist insurance, in-house claims service, and risk management programs to many different types of florists, including:

  • Retail florists

  • Wholesale florists

  • Wedding and event florists

“You honestly are one of the few companies that we deal with that gets it right every time.”

Paul, customer
Holiday, Florida
Understanding the risks

Insuring your floral operation

Not sure what type of insurance is beneficial for your retail floral shop? Consider common risk factors like perishable inventory and potential liabilities when choosing coverages.

Bouquets of flowers

Flower inventory

Your floral inventory is a critical asset for your business. That’s why we offer florist insurance coverage for flower loss. Inventory loss can happen any time due to power failures, mechanical breakdowns, refrigerant contamination, storms, and more. We can help you assess and prepare for those risk exposures.

Florist inspecting damage

Property damage

From your delicate floral inventory to the building itself, there’s a lot of opportunity for loss at your business—whether it’s equipment breakdowns, storm damage, theft, or fire. You can customize your property insurance based on your building, equipment, inventory, business income, and other exposures.

Hanging flower pot

Slips, trips, and falls

Displays, hanging baskets, and slippery floors are common injury hazards. So is the sick pet who ate the wrong plant, or a customer’s allergic reaction to the leaf shine spray used on a delivery. General liability insurance can help protect your business if someone is injured at your shop, or if you sell a product that causes injury or damage.

Florist talking with a customer and looking at a computer

Equipment breakdown

Your florist business relies heavily on specialized equipment to grow and store live plants and cut flowers. When equipment breaks down, it can mean weeks of lost business and revenue. Coverage for equipment breakdowns can help reduce your costs and get your business back on track sooner.

Arranging flowers

Customer liability

Customer injuries on your property can be a financial and reputational risk. A small puddle from a freshly watered plant can quickly turn into a trip to the emergency room for a customer. Liability insurance helps protect you from covered claims and lawsuits arising from property damage and bodily injury.

woman delivering flowers

Delivery accidents

Deliveries and event transports are typical for a floral business. You’re responsible for the actions of your employees on the road—and an auto accident can be devastating. Commercial auto insurance can help reduce losses from accidents, theft or vandalism, and injuries to employees—even if you or your employees use a personal vehicle for the business.


What insurance can help protect your flower shop?

Florist insurance plays a major role in helping support the financial well-being of your business

Property insurance is just the beginning of our florist business insurance coverage. We can help you protect your investment, covering your employees, customers, equipment, plants, and inventory. In the event of a catastrophe or disruption, florist insurance can play a large role in your business’s recovery success.

greenhouse with plants

Commercial property insurance

Unexpected property loss or damage is almost inevitable—whether it’s from fire, storm damage, theft, or breakdowns. You can customize your commercial property insurance coverage based on your buildings, equipment, inventory, income, and other exposures.

Guide to commercial property
green shield with purple flowers

General liability insurance

Lawsuits following slips, trips, and falls are a significant threat to your bottom line and reputation. Greenhouse liability insurance can help you protect your business if someone is injured at your location, or if you sell a defective product that causes injury or property damage. It can also include cyber liability coverage to help protect against losses if your customer data and financial records are compromised.

Guide to general liability
tree-lined road

Commercial auto insurance

Deliveries and transporting equipment are typical day-to-day activities for horticultural businesses. If your employees get into an accident during work-related activities, your business can be sued for damages. Commercial auto insurance can help cover losses related to accidents that happen when you're using a vehicle for your business.

Guide to commercial auto
Employee badge with a medical cross.

Workers' compensation coverage

Protecting your employees after an on-the-job injury is important. So is protecting your business from litigation. Greenhouse workers’ compensation coverage can help cover medical and related expenses for your employees who are injured while working.

Guide to workers' compensation
umbrella and rain drops

Umbrella coverage

This optional coverage picks up where your standard liability policy coverage ends. It provides an extra layer of coverage that can help protect your business in the event of a catastrophic liability loss or a major judgment against you or your company.

Guide to umbrella coverage

More insurance coverages

These are just some of the insurance coverages we offer. Connect with an agent to learn more.

See all insurance products

Florist insurance FAQs

Florist insurance is designed to help protect your business income and workers—whether the majority of your sales are from wire services or walk-in customers, you own your building or rent, or you have multiple designers or are a one-person florist shop.

Loss of inventory, property damage, delivery accidents, and workplace liability are some of the biggest risks you face. Proper insurance coverage can help protect your business from financial dangers and professional indemnity.

Cost will depend on the type and amount of coverage you need. We'll work with you to find the right kind of flower shop insurance and create a customized insurance plan for your business.

How Hortica helps

What makes Hortica different

Industry knowledge sets us apart

Our coverages aren’t just standard insurance products—they’re wrapped with reliable expertise, service, and support. We’ve exclusively served the horticultural and floral industries for more than 135 years. We have the experience and knowledge to assess risks businesses like yours face, and offer crop insurance for plants you grow and maintain within climate-controlled areas. So, you can set your passion free—we’ll be there helping you protect your business.

Why choose Hortica
Quote mark icon with leaves
"The responsiveness from our contact personnel has been exceptional. Prompt, efficient, and thorough. Very pleased with the frequent notices provided with all the great tips! It’s so very obvious this company knows our business and industry well."
Jamie, customer
St. Peters, Missouri